Thursday, May 31, 2007

I and the Bird #50

Yes, it's the 50th edition of I and the Bird, and it's up at A Blog Around the Clock, graciously hosted by Bora. Another wonderful collection, stories of discovery, danger, resolution, and general good times that have been had by birders from around the world.

Go by and check it out, and be sure to take a look at Nuthatch's contribution from Bootstrap Analysis. Her post Where I've been & who I've been seeing about her field work this spring and her observations of the effects of the rather strange weather patterns we experienced--both in Michigan and here in Thomasburg. Without getting out all that much, I had the impression that things were different this year--catbirds were late and scarce, the white-crowned sparrows that usually spend some time with us in May in good numbers just barely showed up at all, among other anomalies. I was very interested to read this impression confirmed by a much more rigorous set of observations.

I and the Bird
Next up at The Birdchaser on June 14th, 2007, so send your entries to Rob at: birdchaser AT hotmail DOT com.

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