Last edition of Circus of the Spineless I submitted a couple of posts, and Tony G nominated a couple more. So yesterday the Circus was on my mind, although I am only an incidental spineless writer and photographer.
This month's edition is up today at Snail's Tales. It's a veritable feast of the spineless: from a choice of appetizers, including box elder bugs served on passion vine leaves, to a fine selection of desserts, including spider jello flavoured with staghorn sumac. Have a taste of everything--it all sounds delicious!

You're having a lady bug party. We have one going on at our place too. Not every is so tolerant, but I like them. I wrote about it on Sphere.
From time to time I will have an outbreak of ladybugs inside of my apartment. I think they must have come in on a plant I had out on the roof for a while. I don't mind having a few around, but when there are dozens, it starts to get a little annoying.
For a lot of lady bugs inside, check out Lady bug season 2005 at Science and Sarcasm. I don't mind thousands outside myself, but inside, they're too noisy!
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